Execution standard of 500 ton long column pressure testing machine

The computer-controlled electro-hydraulic servo long-column pressure testing machine is mainly used for the compressive strength test of the specimen and the tensile test of the specimen. It is also used for hydraulic jacks, metal materials and metals
Degree test. The bending test of the above components can also be done after the bending device is added. This testing machine is suitable for metallurgy, building materials, aviation, aerospace, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and other fields.
Draw time-test force, time-displacement, displacement-test force curves and automatically process test data. It is used for transportation, building materials, metallurgy, aviation, aerospace, colleges, and research institutes.
Long column pressure testing machine executive standard:
nGB/T16826-2008 "Electro-hydraulic Servo Universal Testing Machine"
nGB/T2611—2007 "General Technical Requirements for Testing Machines"
nJJG139—1999 "Tensile force, pressure and universal testing machine"
nGB/T3159-2008 "Hydraulic Pressure Testing Machine"
nGB7314-2017 "Metal Test Method"
nJJG157-2008 "Verification Requirements for Tension, Compression and Universal Material Testing Machines"